
Shopping list app for singles

Never forget your shopping list again!

How to save time and money

As a single household, it can often be difficult to plan your shopping and save money. Not only do you have to make sure that you buy enough food for one person, but you also want to avoid overspending. A good way to save time and money is to make a shopping list. Who would have thought? With a shopping list, you know exactly what you need and what you don’t need, so you can shop in a more targeted way. HNGRY is an app that makes it easy for single households to create shopping lists and stay organised. We’ll show you how to create a shopping list for your single household, which foods you should have on the list and how you can save money in the process!

Why is a shopping list important for singles?

A shopping list is important because it helps you to save time and money. Without a shopping list, you often buy more than you need and therefore spend more money than necessary. Whether you live in a shared flat, a family of five or a single household – a shopping list gives you a clear overview of what food you need. This will help you avoid double shopping. It also saves you unnecessary shopping trips, as you can buy all the food you need at once.


How do I create a shopping list for my household as a single person?

Creating a shopping list is quick and easy. You should start by getting an overview of what food you have in the house and what you need. Then write all the food you need on a list and sort it into categories such as fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products.

Or you can make it even easier for yourself: with HNGRY, you can quickly and easily prepare a digital shopping list for your single household. Your groceries are sorted directly into the right categories, allowing you to find the right food quickly and easily in the supermarket. If you also utilise the functions of xtraHNGRY as a storage app, you can sort your food according to its expiry date. This ensures that you use up the food before it expires. You can also keep track of the food you still have in your pantry. This way, you always know which food you still have at home, wherever you are and completely automatically.

A pro tip in case you forget to do your shopping after university or work: Treat yourself to our HNGRYnsite fridge camera. The camera allows you to keep an eye on the contents of your fridge at all times and from anywhere, so you can safely avoid double shopping or food waste.

Or you can make it even easier for yourself: with HNGRY, you can quickly and easily prepare a digital shopping list for your single household. Your groceries are sorted directly into the right categories, allowing you to find the right food quickly and easily in the supermarket. If you also utilise the functions of xtraHNGRY as a storage app, you can sort your food according to its expiry date. This ensures that you use up the food before it expires. You can also keep track of the food you still have in your pantry. This way, you always know which food you still have at home, wherever you are and completely automatically.

Which foods should be on the shopping list in a single household?

There are some foods that should be on every single person’s shopping list. These include, for example:

Single household

Fruit and vegetables:

Fresh fruit and vegetables are healthy and should therefore always be on your shopping list, regardless of whether you live in a shared flat, are a family or single. Make sure you buy seasonal and regional products to save money.

Single household

Dairy products:

Milk, cheese, quark and yoghurt are also on the shopping list for most single households. Here too, make sure you buy products in smaller packaging sizes to avoid wasting food.

Single household

Bread and cereal products:

Bread, pasta, rice and cereals are important parts of your diet and should therefore also be on your shopping list.

Single household

Meat and fish:

If you eat meat and fish, these products should also be on your shopping list. However, be careful not to buy too much to save money and food.

A good way to organise your shopping list as a single person is to pay attention to the expiry date. You should buy a maximum of three to four days’ worth of food such as bread, fruit and vegetables. Other products that have a short best-before date should also be put on your shopping list in small to normal-sized packs as a single household. This way you can avoid them going bad and wasting food.

How often should I go shopping in a one-person household?

How often you should go shopping as a single person depends on various factors and depends on your individual preferences.

Single household

1st option: Make a larger purchase once a week

You can use a shopping list as a guide and buy the products you need for the coming week. This saves you time and money because you don’t have to go to the supermarket as often and are less tempted by spontaneous purchases.

Single household

2nd option: Make smaller purchases more often…

…, for example, every two or three days. The advantage of this is that you always have fresh food in the house and can decide spontaneously what you want to eat. However, you should make sure that you don’t go to the supermarket too often and allow yourself to be tempted by impulse purchases.

HNGRY is an app that helps you organise your shopping as a single person with the right shopping list. With the functions of our shopping list app, you always have your shopping list with you and know exactly what you need to buy and how much you have left at home. Organising a single household has never been so easy!

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HNGRY App for singles

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HNGRY is more than just a shopping list app!



Simple stock overview

No more food waste: Did you know that HNGRY offers you a practical storage aid in addition to the smart shopping list? Optimise your groceries inventory management and check out all the features that are waiting for you in the food storage area.



Intelligent shopping list

This is how shopping planning works today: Are you familiar with our smart HNGRY shopping list? You can use it to plan your next shopping trip in no time at all and are guaranteed not to forget anything. Our intelligent features that the list offers you will show you exactly why.